
We have a well-organized and established Scientific Research Committee (SRC). The goal of this committee is to introduce and support undergraduate students with great interest in research to grasp basic principles and participate in research activities. The committee also organizes serial scientific research seminars throughout the year to provide students with structured interactive sessions to learn the basic principles of scientific research. The unit will support, and guide interested students to find a potential faculty mentor with a suitable research project to ensure their progress and facilitate any difficulties they might face. We have a good number of scholarly faculties with an abundance of experience in the field of dental research, and they regularly publish papers in highly indexed journals.

Academic integrity at KKKUCOD is described as a set of values including the maintenance of academic standards, the avoidance of plagiarism, honesty, and rigor in research and academic publishing. We have a well-equipped central research laboratory on the main university campus to improve the quality of research by providing a high-value research opportunity in a safe and healthy environment for students, faculty, and researchers on issues related to dentistry. The college and university also promote research by providing funds for it through the Maxillofacial Modelist Research Center and the Deanship of Scientific Research, respectively.

The supervised internship research project constitutes a vital part of this program. Interns are familiarized with the latest research methodologies and shown how to deal with problems they are likely to face in their future research. The college administration recognizes the students with the best internship research by awarding them certificates and mementos