

The committee deliberates all relevant issues related to scientific research within the scope of KKU, College of Dentistry. The committee's objectives include the initiation, facilitation, integration, and support of research projects conducted by the faculty, students, and research groups. Its purpose is to ensure the presence of an appropriate system that regulates and monitors the quality of research in compliance with the highest principles of ethics.


The committee conducts a monthly meeting to discuss the statutes of dental interns in all aspects of their training, including clinical and didactic activities. Moreover, the committee is responsible for providing opportunities for the dental intern to have external rotation, which enhances their experience by being exposed to different clinical and didactic environments.


This unit functions with a vision to sustain a continuing alliance with dental graduates through significant engagement, partnership, and excellence. Its mission is to promote, foster, and enrich a strong beneficial relationship between the dental alumni and the KKUCOD for the greater benefit of the alumni, the KKUCOD, and the community.

Academic Coordination

This is a newly developed committee that aims to standardize education between male and female sections in the college . Members of the committee are from different departments with different backgrounds in order to get exposed to more opinions and ideas.


The Community Services Committee (CSC) deliberates all relevant issues related to social services within the scope of King Khalid University, College of Dentistry (KKUCOD). The committee reflects institution’s mission and goals of community service through extensive outreach programs that bring quality education and treatment to those in need of dental care. KKU College of Dentistry has the state-of-the-art mobile dental unit, which gives best treatment experience for both patients and operating doctors in outreach programs.