Dr. Nasser AlQahtani
The Vice Dean for Postgraduate studies and Research, KKUCOD, Dr. Nasser AlQahtani graduated BDS from KKUCOD (2009) and MDS from Indiana University (2015). He is a Fellow of the royal college of dentist in Canada in prosthodontics (2015), Associate fellow of the American academy of implant dentistry (2018), Fellowship in maxillofacial prosthesis, Indiana University (2016), Fellowship in implant dentistry, Loma Linda university (2017).
He was awarded:
- 2013: The Lester Furnas Graduate Prosthodontics Award for Academic Excellence, JFJ society, Chicago, IL, USA.
- 2015: The JFJ Scholarship Awards for the academic achievement, technical and clinical performance, JFJ society, Chicago, IL, USA.
- 2015: The Carl J. & Ida J. Andres Scholarship Awards for outstanding resident, JFJ society, Chicago, IL, USA.
- 2015: Indiana Dental Association Best Clinical Case Report Award, Indiana University school of dentistry research day, IN, USA.